Tuesday, February 23, 2021

CIGCSA February Update

Business continues for the CIGCSA BOD as we march towards spring.  Thank you to all the PRP sponsors that have pledged their support to advancing the art and science of turfgrass management through the PRP.  We value the partnerships we are building and commit to providing value in your investment.  For those vendors that have not joined yet, please take a look at our offers.  We have added new price points, including a lower entry level minimum.  You can find the details here: Intro Letter      ; PRP Selection choices (click on the hyperlinks to be redirected)

Our first event of 2021 is less than 4 weeks away!!! The March Shop Meeting will be held at Lincoln Greens Golf Course in Springfield, IL.  Please make plans to attend.  There will be both an in-person option and online/virtual option.  Register here: March Shop Meeting

We will be following all CDC protocols for those attending in-person.  Full details of these protocols will be provided before the event.  Our presenters will be both virtual and in-person as well.  This is an aggressive undertaking logistically and we hope you will support this event and show your appreciation for those that are working very hard behind the scenes to make this a reality. This efforts shows our commitment to provide members the opportunity to excel and strive in this industry through professional education and development. Please reciprocate those efforts by joining us at the meeting.

On the heels of the March Shop meeting will be the Memorial Match Play tournament.  This event is passive and will stretch throughout the summer.  Individuals will coordinate their own matches at a time and place that is convenient.  This is a great opportunity to grow your networking circles and play golf, without interrupting schedules at work or home.  

Thanks you for reading and please register for the March Shop meeting as soon as possible!

Travis Williams, CGCS
Immediate Past President, CIGCSA